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The Ultimate Guide to Achieving Stronger Branding

October 27, 2023

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Canva Wiz. Branding Expert. Mom of Three. I'm here to help you navigate all things Canva and Branding.



Why Your Branding Matters

A Designer's Opinion of Canva

Ultimate Guide to Better Branding

1. Consistency Across All Platforms:

Evaluating Visual Cohesiveness:

Have you ever taken a moment to compare your brand’s appearance across various social media platforms and your website? If they don’t seem to match, it’s a clear sign that your branding needs a revamp. Consistency is key to building trust and recognition among your audience. Your goal should be to create a cohesive visual language that makes your brand instantly recognizable and reflects your core values. So, put the Canva templates aside for a moment and focus on establishing a consistent and compelling brand identity.

2. Bridging the Gap Between Vision and Reality:

Crafting a Tangible Brand Experience:

Think about the immersive experience created by brands like Lululemon or Anthropologie. Every element of their stores is meticulously designed to reflect their brand values and evoke a sense of belonging. If there’s a disconnect between how you envision your brand and how it’s currently portrayed, it’s time to reevaluate the design elements you’re using. Align your branding with the words that best describe your brand’s essence, ensuring that your vision is accurately translated into a tangible experience.

3. Identifying Your Brand Color:

Understanding the Power of Color:

Color plays a pivotal role in brand perception. Studies have shown that up to 90% of our assessment of a product is based on color alone. If you haven’t nailed down your brand color or are in the process of choosing one, consider this an opportunity to define what your brand stands for. Reflect on the adjectives that best describe your brand and choose colors that embody those qualities. This strategic choice can significantly enhance your brand’s appeal and competitiveness.

4. Standing Out Among Competitors:

Differentiating Your Brand:

In a sea of competitors, it’s easy to fall into the trap of adopting popular aesthetics. However, branding is a strategic tool for differentiation, and it’s vital to ensure that your brand stands out. If your current branding feels too generic or closely resembles your competitors’, it’s time to innovate and carve out a unique identity. Evaluate what makes your brand unique and amplify those qualities in your branding to create a memorable experience for your audience.

5. Reflecting Your Brand’s Potential Online:

Showcasing Trustworthiness and Capability:

Your brand is a representation of your excellence, and your online presence should communicate that effectively. In the digital landscape, establishing trust is paramount. Just as we are cautious about engaging with suspicious-looking websites, your audience needs reassurance of your credibility. A cohesive and professional online presence can significantly enhance trust, improve the user experience, and act as a relentless sales tool on your behalf.

Taking the Next Steps:

Embarking on a Branding Journey:

If you’re ready to revitalize your visual branding but are constrained by time or budget, consider leveraging resources like the free brand color quiz available on my website. This quiz is designed to align your branding efforts with your customer profile, business goals, and personal style, steering you in the right direction. Remember, the journey to stronger branding is about making incremental improvements. By enhancing your marketing graphics and establishing consistency, you are laying the foundation for a brand experience that resonates with your dream audience and propels your brand to new heights.


Strong branding is not just about aesthetic appeal; it’s about creating a consistent, memorable, and trustworthy experience for your audience. By addressing the areas highlighted in this guide, you are taking a giant leap toward building a brand that not only stands out but also deeply resonates with your target audience. Embrace the journey, celebrate the small wins, and watch as your brand transforms into a powerful entity capable of attracting your dream partnerships and opportunities. Remember, your brand is a reflection of your excellence – make it count!

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Canva Wiz. Marketing & Branding Expert. Mom of Three. I'm here to help you navigate all things Canva—saving you precious time and money, while setting your business up for success.

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